Skyrocket Your LinkedIn Ad Performance

Drive More Demo Requests, Pipeline, and Reach Your Entire TAM with Unmatched LinkedIn Advertising Strategies

Attn what?

ATTN Makers helps B2B businesses increase pipeline, high intent demos requests, and revenue by improving their LinkedIn ad accounts.

Trusted by small (less than 500k ARR) and big (more than $50 million ARR) B2B companies, with room for 2 more. All of them have had a product with an ACV of over $20k.

Here's some past success I've had: 

Company 1

$0 in pipeline, to $1 million in pipeline a month (pipeline refers to the value of an annual deal of a qualified prospect that has a high likelihood of becoming a paying customer and has already seen a demo).

Company 2

0 inbound demand monthly – grown to 47 high intent requests per month, in 1 year (4600% increase).

Company 3

Within the first 6 months, surpassed all previous LI pipeline targets EVER created, increased WOM requests by 200%, and 2X the quarterly pipeline record.

Company 4

$7 CPL for ebook downloads -- although I don't recommend this, competitors were paying +$50 per lead.
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Bad at sales, good at demand generation. I'm a marketing expert and can handle everything LinkedIn ads, from start to finish.

Or just give you strategy, direction, or data.


Director of demand generation level strategy, which I’ve implemented at multiple companies. 


Performance marketing manager level campaign setup and optimizations. 


Scrappy but effective copy writing and creative, from someone who’s created over 10,000 ads.


I’ve looked at so many LinkedIn ad accounts, I can perform data analysis to mine insights or give high level recommendations.  
How it works

3 steps to get started

Sign up for an intro call

Say hello, by signing up to chat -- we'll chat through where you're at now and if you'll benefit from a partnership or not.

customer deep dive

If we decide to both move froward we go to meeting #2. We'll chat through your ICP, your product marketing, and what your audience responds to, before any ads are started, data is analyzed, or strategy is talked about.

Get ads, data insights, or full service

Next, we'll get to work. Ads within a week, data insights within 2 weeks, and full service up and running within a month.  Move fast, or get left behind.

Curious? Get started.

Enter your email below to setup some time to chat through where you're at now and if I can help.  Marketer to marketer, no hard sells, no wasted time, no BS.
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